By now most hardcore gamers have already beaten Grand Theft Auto 5. If not, then they are on their way to beating it with gta 5 cheats for ps3.
It was by far one of the most popular games ever released. The predecessor GTA IV was disappointing in some aspects, especially the graphics.
That is one thing Rockstar games greatly improved upon with this installment of the game.
But one issue exists in all single player games. The problem with these kinds of games is that they can get stale after you beat them so many times.
Why not have some more fun with it by throwing in some GTA V cheats PS3 fans can love!
It could be that you’re not a hardcore gamer.
Well, most people aren’t, so don’t feel bad. Maybe you bought the game just to mess around and get all the stars and cops after you.
But you don’t want to die, right? No one does. Here are some GTA 5 cheat codes PS3 fans!
Let’s start off with my favorite: Drunken mode.
Everyone loves getting slammed once and a while, even our precious video game characters.
This code does pretty much what it says it does; it makes your character appear drunk and harder to control.
If you’re a hardcore gamer who has beaten the game, trying beating it drunk!
Here’s the code:
Triangle then Right two times and then left and right then square next is circle and then left.
Oh, you like being drunk? Try low gravity:
(Left two times)and then(L1)now do (R1)next do (L1)then (Right)now (Left)next(L1)and now (Left).
Enter those in and you’ll give the game a whole new level of fun and challenge.
Okay, so you want a five star rating now to go along with your drunkenness and low gravity.
This will get the cops hot on your butt:
(R1 twice) next (Circle) now (R2) then (Left) and now (Right) then (Left) now (Right) next (Left) and now (Right).
This will increase your rating with the police, and they will send more forces after you.
What’s the matter, do you die a lot? Was that 5 star rating more than you could handle? Try lowering your wanted level:
(R1 2 times) and now (circle) then (R2) next (Right) next (Left) and then (Right) then (Left) now (Right) and (Left).
Still not satisfied? So, being drunk in low gravity with the cops hot on your tail wasn’t challenging enough, eh? One of the very interesting things about GTA V versus GTA IV was not only the graphics, but the weather.
That’s right, the weather.
If you haven’t played this game, the weather effects look amazing. Those of you who have played this game know what I’m talking about.
You can actually change the weather. How’s that for interesting?
Try this:
(R2) and then (X) now (L1 two times) and now (L2 three times) and lastly (Square).
In my opinion, this is one of the game’s most amazing graphical effects.
There are a couple more things to try if you want to make the game more challenging.
There are plenty of unmentioned PS3 Grand Theft Auto 5 cheats that will do just that, but I’d like to take a moment and reveal to you codes for slow motion mode:
(Triangle) then (Left) now (Right two times) now (Square) now (R2) then (R1).
With all of these challenging “cheats” going on at the same time, you’re bound to have a good time making things more difficult for yourself.
But what if you don’t want to make the game harder and you’re not that advanced yet in the gaming world? There are a number of PS3 GTA 5 cheats just for you, especially if you want to feel like a badass.
This game offers just about anything imaginable. There are codes to get pretty much any kind of vehicle you want.
For example, get an attack helicopter by using this code:
(Circle two times) next (L1) now do (Circle three) now (L1) next (L2) then (R1) next (Triangle) then (Circle) and now (Triangle).
You’ll be up and flying in no time. Attack the other gangs from the air or even go after the police. Or just have fun crashing into things. It’s really your call.
If you feel that GTA 5 cheats PS3 fans by not giving enough life, why not be invincible?
Not even bullets or rockets will be able to hurt you with this cheat.
Keep in mind, though, it only lasts for five minutes. Aren’t GTA V cheats great? Try this:
(Right) now (X) next (Right) now (Left) then (Right )then (R1) now (Right) next (Left) now (X) and (Triangle).
What if you don’t want that? Okay, I understand, but your health is low and you’re about to die.
I’ve got another code for you. It gives you full armor and health:
(Circle) next you do (L1) now (Triangle) now you do( R2) then (X) now (Square) next (Circle) then (Right) next (Square) and then (L1 three times).
So now you’re set. We’ve made the game more challenge and gave you a helicopter and made you invincible. We’ve even made you too drunk to stand straight. What else could there be?
Ah-ha! Weapons are a must in this game. If you don’t have cool weapons then you don’t look cool and you won’t be properly armed to kill enemies.
Want more fun? Try exploding bullets. Those are always fun:
(L1) then (R1) then (Square) then (R1) then (Left) then (R2) then (R1) now (Left) now (Square) now (Right) next (L1 twice).
Oh, and why not. You want all the weapons, don’t you? Of course you do! Here’s the code:
(Triangle) next (R2) then (Left) next (L1) now (X) next (Right) now (Triangle) then (Down) now (Square) and (L1 three times).
This will give you everything, including assault rifles, sniper rifles, and rocket launchers — all the good stuff. This code will make you never want to stop playing.
Is that doing it for you? Good. GTA 5 is one of the greatest single player games of all time. There, I said it. The graphics are boosted to a whole new level. The story is great. It focuses around multiple people instead of just one.
Also, you can switch between people in the game, which is a huge plus. Rockstar, really outdid themselves this time. As a PlayStation gamer, I must say, I can’t wait until they release something like this on the new PlayStation 4.
Imagine the worlds they could create, and the graphics would be even more amazing. And of course, there would be cheat codes. Hoped you enjoyed our ps3 gta 5 cheats!